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Buy A Great Shaker Bottle With Us And “Shake It Off”

When you come back tired after your workout, all you want to do is sit in the backyard and drink your protein, catch a breath, then chill. But what ends up happening is you come back from your workout, go into the kitchen to make your protein shake, put everything in the blender, but the cover is loose, so as soon as you turn it on, everything spills. Or you try to mix the protein with milk or water by stirring it in a cup quickly and end up spilling more, hence losing track of how much protein you take every day.

A straightforward accessory will fix all the mess. This product comes with measurements on it, so all you have to do is add your 2-3 scoops of protein and the milk or water up till the mark you want, close the lid, and SHAKE. You won’t have to worry about measuring the milk or water in a different measuring cup; you won’t have to worry about mixing or blending. It is called the shake bottle, and it will make your life of fitness a lot easier.