Tree by tree, MyDeal is going to grow a forest.
Through a commitment with Greenfleet, MyDeal will plant a native biodiverse forest near Wedderburn in central Victoria.
Over 7.8 hectares of land, the MyDeal Forest will address critical deforestation and biodiversity loss, capture carbon emissions to protect our climate, reduce soil erosion, improve water quality and restore critical habitat for wildlife.
Greenfleet is working with the Dja Dja Wurrung people, Traditional Owners of the land to restore an ecosystem at Ngulambarra, creating bio-links for native wildlife. This 340-hectare property north of Wedderburn is part of the Wychitella biolink. Threatened with vulnerable animals including the mallee fowl require the connected landscapes this project will provide. Restoration of this ecosystem will create habitat for the local wildlife species, including Lace monitors, Quolls and the vulnerable Mallee Fowl, Shy Heathwrens and Inland Thornbills.