The Best Pop Up Tents For Sale In Australia
Enjoy camping with a much easier experience using one of MyDeal Australia’s amazing range of outdoor gear. No matter what shape and size you need, we will have something that is perfect for your outdoor needs. Our products can provide protection against the elements, give you privacy and a comfortable resting area for you when you venture out into the wilderness. We promise we won’t break the bank as we constantly offer our products at immensely discounted prices so you can save.
Choose between large two-man to five-man capacities and cater for everyone who will go with you, our affordable range has them all. You can also add a touch of style to your camp gear as we offer our items in several colours such as blue, cream, green, and orange for superior visibility. It won’t be hard at all to find yours within the woods. They come with all the ropes and pegs you need to set it up successfully. With up to twelve months warranty, you can be sure they were built to last.
Buy A Pop Up Camping Tent And Get Direct Delivery To Your Door
Don’t worry about having to pack and fit your purchase into your car. Just order with MyDeal Australia and we’ll bring you your order, no matter the size, straight to your door. We deliver to all major cities such as Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, as well as all regional areas.
Pop Up Tents Reviews
Great shower and toilet camp tent
Excellent quality and good size- much bigger than others
Justine Porter
Excellent exactly as described
Aroha Rae
Easy to set up and use
this is a great tent, light & easy to use. We’re renovating our bathroom & are using this to shower on the back deck 🙂
Using it in place of our Annexe. Good size and easy to put up. Has withstood some windy nights with no issue
Warren Stubbs
It appeared impressive, but, rain falling, puts a big dip in the middle of the roof. Needs cross bars to filter off the water. Poles are flimsy need to be stronger. Th window covers are inside? The door and back access need roll down walls so no water gets in. A floor would be good. Using it for a laundry room as we live on the road. Needs further sturdier construction. I gave ysed a double ensuite previously, but this item did appear good. It is a big space. Thx
Gay-Maree Eaton
Smaller then expected. Hard to fold back to position. Not as sturdy. But if you consider the pricing, works as a simple but hard to fold beach tent
Clarence Goh
Exactly what I needed, perfect for myself and 2 kids, I cannot believe how spacious it is and 2 second s to set up! 10/10 👌
Sarah Shelmerdine
Very easy to put up and down , great for camping
Does what it says at under half the price of the competition. Comfortable for 2 but a bit squashy for 3-4 people - but that price, buy 2 (I did).
Pieter Marchant
Does what it says at under half the price of the competition. Comfortable for 2 but a bit squashy for 3-4 people - but that price, buy 2 (I did).
Pieter Marchant
Too small for 4 people tent it’s ok dor 3 people
Carla Che Chung
Really useful, but on cape trib. We had a big rainstorm and it didn’t stop the rain from coming in.
Good value quick delivery