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Leading Lines For a Cohesive Look

One of the main things you learn as an architect, artist, photographer or videographer is the use of leading lines. Leading lines is a concept used to make an image or a space look cohesive and structured. It leads your eyes to a focal point making the space around it appear bigger but somehow leading you to something else. Stripes are a great way to incorporate this concept in any room in the house. Stripes are basically lines put together to form a pattern. Stripes can add structure as well as depth to the room.

If you are planning on getting a striped rug, you need to really plan out your room. It is easy to go wrong with stripes because it is such an eye-catching pattern. Compliment the colours on the striped rug with the rest of the room. Always plan ahead and think of things like colour combinations and horizontal or vertical stripes. Within stripe designs, you can for simple stripes or multiple overlapping stripes. There is a lot you can do with just one pattern.

Stripes and Other Patterns

There are a lot of ways you can use a striped rug but it will depend on the kind of look you are going for. If you want to have a grand looking room that gives the effect of being bigger than it actually is, then use a vertical striped rug. The strips should be close together to give you the leading lines effect. You can have your furniture as a focal point or a painting on the wall as a focal point. Additionally, combining patterns can be really difficult and can look messy. But if you plan on doing so, then we would suggest combining your stripe rugs with floral patterns all around.

You can find all kinds of stripe rugs on MyDeal for your home. The best part is that we offer rugs at great prices and get delivered to your home as well. So, browse through our rugs and runners online and get the one you want.