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Energy Efficient Downlights That Offer A Compact & Modern Design

Cut the costs of your energy bill with these easy to install Downlights. Available in a range of colours, they are quality assured for your peace of mind. Saving up to 85% of your energy consumption and lasting up to 10 times longer than other lamps, these units are high quality and are commonly used for a vibrant and modern lighting atmosphere for all kinds of spaces. With such reasonable pricing, you can grab a couple and upgrade your lighting in the best possible way! They are absolutely worth the investment. Some of their features include efficiency, which is a big bonus. They consume about 90% less power than traditional bulbs and are extremely energy-efficient, significantly reducing lighting costs. As power bills rise, energy consumption reductions can lead to a much smaller power bill and significant savings.

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They light up very quickly and reach full brightness almost instantly! Unlike fluorescent lamps, which burn out more quickly when cycled, these units can handle frequent on/off cycles with no performance loss. They can also have a relatively long life - 30,000 to 50,000 hours. Fluorescent tubes are typically rated at about 8000 hours, depending partly on the conditions of use, and halogen lamps at 2,000 to 4,000 hours. With these units being solid-state components, they are difficult to damage with external shock, unlike fluorescent and halogen bulbs, which are fragile. Like our other lighting options, including Pendant, Chandeliers, and Sensor lighting, they will be the perfect solution for your needs!

If you would like to learn more about any of our products or MyDeal Australia in general, feel free to contact us through our online form or call our customer service centre at (03) 9998 6805.