When you’re on your way to a healthy lifestyle, you need all the tools to make it possible. Here to help you reach your target goals comes a soup maker with a variety of functions to make a variety of nutritious meals and drinks for the whole family that is tasty as well.
Simply dice up your favourite ingredients and pop into the soup maker with stock or other liquids and press one of the illuminated buttons to make a smooth or chunky soup in as little as 30 mins. No need to heat the water/stock , this nifty machine will boil and steam to perfection. Not just for soups, it can make purees, dips, sauces and other foods, even making cold drinks in the summer or those trending veggie juices to kick start your workout. Included is an egg holder to make hard and soft boiled eggs!
All in a 1.7 litre capacity glass jug and coming with a measuring cup, stainless steel filter and a cleaning brush, making wonderful, tasty meals is easy to do and beats take out anytime.