The series begins with a search for justice taking Detective Salucci from Sydney to the Australian outback. From navigating the Italian Police Force to the glittering Cinque Terre, theres nowhere to hide in thisaction packed thriller. A story of love, greed, betrayal and the ultimate test of integrity. The trail she uncovers leads her from Sydney to Rome all the way to a small town in the Italian riviera. There, reunited with a past lover, Mila has no choice but to confront her past and her own origins. In her search for the connexions between the Sicilian mafia, Chinese Triads and Australian bike gangs, she will find herself caught between her personal history and her desire for justice. With her life in danger, Mila will find refuge in the outback where she will work to come to terms with her biggest battle yet, her past. An action-packed thriller that tells a story of love, greed, betrayal and moral conflict.
P>About the Author: Toni Grant is an Australian author with a love of history and adventure. In 2019 Toni travelled to Italy to research her third book, The Trouble with Serpents. The trip provided a unique opportunity to explore cultural nuances and literally step out locations, lending authenticity to a fictional story line. The Trouble with Serpents is Tonis third book in the organised crime series. Other books include Serpent Song and Serpent Sting. As well, a number of short stories featuring another female lead, Tannum Friday, have been published online. Toni has also written two adaptations of the UK youth theatre play, Brainstorm, for the Dubbo based Black Box Theatre company (2018). The play explores the neurological, emotional and societal views of young adults as they navigate the transition from teen to adulthood. In 2016 Toni and a small team created a community mental health project called Pen to Power - Map Your Mind to Recovery which focused on a wellness pathways to recovery for everyday people recovering from significant health and mental trauma. When shes not writing Toni often has her nose in design and creative spaces architecture, vintage shops, old machinery, galleries, nature or with pen in hand, mind mapping. Growing up on a sugar cane farm in regional Queensland, Toni has returned to her coastal lifestyle after spending most of her adult life living in Australian outback towns with her husband and two children, their beloved dogs and multitude of farm animals that came with living on the land. One day, she hopes to sail the Mediterranean with friends and spend a good whack of time exploring all the hidden places.
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