One-year-olds can start with the Tiny Tot as a trike then easily convert to a balance bike once they get the confidence to ride. Starting off with three wheels they can easily start to learn how to use their feet to get moving. When a parent feels their child is ready, the Tiny Tot easily converts from a trike to a 2-wheel balance bike. Kinderfeets Tiny Tots Trikes is the smallest 2-in-1 balance bike on the market designed for children aged 12mths+
The tires are made of biodegradable rubber. The riding experience is similar to that of a pneumatic tire but without flats! Great for riding indoors and out.
Patented Dutch inspired, low, step-through frame which places children's feet closer to the ground so they feel safe. Extra-wide base and 7-inch tires for great driving comfort and easy balance - Adjustable, cushioned seat which adjusts in height from 22.5 cm to 29.5 cm. Non-toxic safety hand grips featuring hand protection bumpers.
All of these features make it the perfect first trike from 12mths and the fact that it converts from a tricycle to a 2-wheel balance bike makes its a great choice as the child grows and becomes more confident in their abilities.
The 2 in 1 trike is designed for children from 12 to 24 months - if you're buying for a child aged 2-5 years see the Kinderfeets Balance Bike or the Tiny Tot Plus range
See how cute it is in this YouTube video
See the full colour range of Kinderfeets Trikes
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