Orders are dispatched from our warehouse daily via Australia Post. All orders are registered and insured free of charge. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and will do our very best to dispatch your order the same day your payment is received. Please ensure you have provided us with your correct postal address to avoid delays.
Delivery may take 1-7 business days depending on your location.
National Power Tools Pty Ltd only sell brand named tools that are of high quality. Although rare if the item you purchase appears faulty we offer a 12 month warranty on all tools and batteries. This warranty period is valid from the date of the purchase and is subject to our terms and conditions.
National Power Tools Pty Ltd Terms and Conditions
National Power Tools Pty Ltd warranty covers products that are a fault or defect in the product. The warranty will not cover products that have been previously been repaired or altered by others, damaged due to misuse of tools, accidental damage, improper maintenance or external influences such as water or fire. The person submitting the warranty must be the original purchaser and be able to provide a copy of the original tax invoice. The buyer must contact National Power Tools Pty Ltd first to try to resolve the issue by phone or email and received authorisation from us before returning the item.
If the product/s are deemed faulty or defective National Power Tools Pty Ltd will either 1. Repair the product using new or re-furbished parts of an equivalent standard, 2. Exchange the product with a product of similar condition, performance and reliability of the original or 3. Refund the purchase price of the product. Where the product was sold as a package or as part of a kit we will only fulfill the warranty obligation on the defective product.
We guarantee satisfaction, if you are unhappy for any reason you may return the item within 30 days of receipt for an exchange or refund. The item must be returned unused and in the original packaging. You will be responsible for shipping costs including the original postage charge even if your item was “Free Postage
Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 2-5 business days