Want to go camping with the whole family, but would prefer more space? Then look no further! This Family Tent sleeps up to 6 people in one large room, providing ample living and sleeping space for large families or groups. The tent has lots of fly mesh so you can open it right up and let the breeze blow through, without the flies and mozzies coming in.
You can also protect yourself against the wind and rain by zipping up the covers on the doors and side windows. Rain cannot penetrate the sun-tough, heat bonded, taped fly seams or form a pool on the front awning. The best part about this tent is the large vestibule at the front. It's perfect for storage of camping equipment like eskies, tables and chairs. The vestibule offers another living area with the option to open the front and sides for easy access, or keep them closed to protect your belongings.
Great product-great price
Apr 27, 2019
Easy to erect despite no instructions. Putting to the real test in April camping trip
Mar 06, 2019
Is a good product and am impressed.
Mar 01, 2019
Great value tent! Big inside with extra space at the front to store everything. Not fully waterproof though 😭 thats the only downside.
Feb 08, 2019
Came on time before Christmas works well and quality is really good without having to pay the retail mark up
Feb 21, 2018