ULTIMATE 2.0 is a revolutionary product combining the concept of biological technology with the world·s most exciting fragrance mat.
The Ultimate 2.0 eco-mat is a revolutionary product which will change your attitude to how washrooms should present. We realise quality cleaning is at the heart of all washroom presentation however extra help 24 hours a day 7 days a week is the bonus this mat offers. Silently deodorising, cleaning and removing built up purefying organic matter in the pipes the Ultimate 1.0 eco-mat guarantees success. Unlike many others we back up our claims of remedial action via billions of non pathogenic bacteria with proven laboratory testing. This patented product does what many have been waiting for, it uses a premium eva deodorising mat and combines it with a world leading biological deodoriser block to give the cleanest, greenest approach to washroom cleanliness.In a word,the world’s best urinal mat.
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Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 3-5 business days