The battle between heroic Autobots and evil Decepticons continues on the Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures animated series! As a powerful new threat targets Cybertron, it is up to Grimlock and his new friends, the Dinobots, to unite and save the planet! Discover the unique powers and skills of each Cyberverse character, and see how those powers will be used to defend Cybertron… or threaten it.
Easily convert and attack with Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures Deluxe Class figures (Each sold separately)! Convert Arcee figure from robot to sportscar mode in 13 steps. Attach accessories in both modes and imagine Arcee unleashing her Dual Energon Lazers attack move!
Kids can collect other Deluxe Class figures (each sold separately) to discover the signature attack moves of characters from the animated series.
Includes: figure, 3 accessories and instructions.
Estimated Delivery Time:
Metro Areas: 2-5 business days
Rural Areas: 5-10 business days
We ship throughout Australia
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All products from Avalan Kids carry a 12-month warranty
Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 3-9