Author: Christopher Hollis
Publisher: Routledge
Category: Encyclopaedias & Reference Works, Economics, Economics, Economic History, Economic History
Book Format: Paperback
This book was first published in 1935.
chapter page
I. The Medieval Managed Currency and its Collapse... 1
II. The Failure of the Stuarts... 12
III. The Orange... 28
IV. The Origin of the Progressive Legend... 35
V. Bishop Berkeley... 53
VI. The Americans and the Whigs... 65
VII. The First Breakdown... 74
VIII. Unnecessary Poverty... 85
IX. Cheques and Notes... 103
X. The Repeal of the Corn Laws... 113
XI. The First Revolts... 125
XII. The Turn of the Tide... 141
XIII. The Exceptional Auxiliary... 154
XIV. Disraeli's Rule... 165
XV. Ireland... 179
XVI. Machine Running Down... 186
XVII. America... 200
XVIII. The 1920's... 221
XIX. Crisis and the Counter Attack... 234
Epilogue... 250
Index... 255
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