In the latest adventure in the Marvel's Spider-Man universe, teenager Miles Morales is adjusting to his new home while following in the footsteps of his mentor, Peter Parker, as a new Spider-Man. But when a fierce power struggle threatens to destroy his new home, the aspiring hero realizes that with great power, there must also come great responsibility. To save all of Marvel's New York, Miles must take up the mantle of Spider-Man and own it.
The Rise of Miles Morales
Miles Morales discovers explosive powers that set him apart from his mentor, Peter Parker. Master his unique, bio-electric venom blast attacks and covert camouflage power alongside spectacular web-slinging acrobatics, gadgets and skills.
A War for Power
A fierce war for control of Marvel's New York has broken out between a devious energy corporation and a high-tech criminal army. With his new home at the heart of the battle, Miles learns the cost of becoming a hero as he decides what he's willing to sacrifice for the greater good.
A Vibrant New Home
Traverse the snowy streets of his new, vibrant and bustling neighbourhood as Miles searches for a sense of belonging. When the lines blur between his personal and crime-fighting lives, he discovers who he can trust, and what it feels like to truly be home.
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