New and updated edition (2020) of this classic book first published in 2004REALITY introduces us to the extraordinary mystical tradition that lies right at the roots of western culture.This is the true story of Parmenides, Empedocles, and those like them: spiritual guides and experts in other states of consciousness, healers and interpreters of dreams, prophets and magicians who laid the foundation for the world we now live in. REALITY documents the excruciating process that led to their work and teaching being distorted, covered over, forgotten. And most importantly, it presents these original teachings in all their immediacy and power revealing their ability, just as vibrant now as at the dawn of the western world, to awaken us to what reality truly is.
P>Review "This book is a journey back to the source -- not only of western civilization but, more importantly, to the source within you. Read it! To understand it is to be transformed." --Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now"Stunningly original, Reality is momentous in its implications. This book is aimed at one of the highest ends I can imagine -- to restore to us the understanding that the original purpose of Greek philosophy was to launch the Western mind on a profoundly spiritual course. It shows, in a way which to my eyes is completely convincing, that the founders of philosophy were not just proto-physicists whose ingenious conjectures have long been shelved. They were spiritual giants whose understandings have not been surpassed and may never be surpassed." --Huston Smith, author of The Worlds Religions and Forgotten Truth"This book contains the purest and most powerful writing I have ever read." --Michael Baigent, author of Ancient Traces and The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail"There are few writers today you must read. Peter Kingsley is one of them. With absolute clarity he writes about the most challenging issues, and at the same time is inspiring in the most ancient sense: filling us with spirit and hope. His words will change the way you imagine your life." --Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul and Dark Nights of the Soul"Peter Kingsley is probably the only person alive who understands the Presocratics." --Richard Smoley, author of The Dice Game of Shiva and Forbidden Faith"Peter Kingsleys brilliant and extraordinary book Reality ranks easily with Krishnamurtis As One Is. The same message contained in Krishnamurtis teaching also comes from the great pre-Socratic singers of the song of Reality. To listen, without ideology or belief, is to begin to hear what the singing is all about." --James Paul, symphony conductor and trustee, The Krishnamurti Foundation of America"With its startling blend of spiritual passion and the bold vision of a consummate scholar, this remarkable book invites us -- even to the point of demanding us -- to open our eyes to the unseen realities nourishing the ancient roots of our civilization. Of even more importance, it invites us to the great work of opening ourselves to the mystical reality that is calling from within to each and every one of us." --Jacob Needleman, author of The Heart of Philosophy and The American Soul"A brilliant and passionately written book, Reality is a work of rare genius." --Gregory Shaw, author of Theurgy and the Soul"Peter Kingsley is a successor to Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell. His lectures and writings -- especially his latest book, Reality -- reveal hidden dimensions of consciousness and how it manifests in the world. His message conveys hope and meaning, and reveals majestic qualities of the mind we have forgotten and which have been ignored by Western authorities for centuries. Peter Kingsley is a transformative and life-changing force in our world. Never have we needed such a message as now." --Larry Dossey, author of Healing Beyond the Body, Reinventing Medicine, and Healing Words About the Author: Peter Kingsley, PhD, is internationally recognized for his groundbreaking work on the origins of western spirituality, philosophy and culture. Through his writings, as well as lectures, he speaks straight to the heart and has helped to transform many peoples understanding not only of the past-but of who they are. The recipient of numerous academic awards, he holds honorary professorships or fellowships at universities in Canada, the United Kingdom and United States. Throughout his career he has worked together not only with Native American elders and western spiritual teachers but also with many of the most prominent figures in the fields of classics and anthropology, philosophy and religious studies, ancient civilizations and the history of both healing and science. The author of five books which together have exerted the profoundest and most far-reaching influence outside as well as inside academia, for years Peter Kingsley has lectured very widely-speaking to professional scholars, psychologists and followers of different spiritual traditions, healers and medical practitioners as well as people who very simply are aware of the need to wake up to a reality greater than the one we are used to. His latest book on Carl Jung brings his work full circle, connecting his researches into the distant past with the crisis of the modern world. For more information on his work visit www.peterkingsley.org
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