In the picturesque English village of Wildemarsh, Detective Matilda Stone (Florence Hall, The Princess Switch movies) investigates crimes with the aid or, often, meddling of her three mystery-writing aunts, who raised her from childhood. Together, they inspect a murder at a health spa, a killing in the contemporary artworld, and the theft of an Edgar Allen Poe manuscript. Matilda has decidedly less success with her personal affairs, continuing to pine for Dr. Daniel Lynch (Andrew Leung, Cruella) even as she begins a new romance. But while Matildas love life hits a snag, she makes headway in the case of her mothers long-ago disappearancedespite her aunts best efforts to conceal the secrets they hold about the case. Witty, whimsical, and wickedly offbeat (Parade), this contemporary mystery series also stars Julie Graham (Shetland), Siobhan Redmond (Unforgotten), and Sarah Woodward (Agatha Christies The Pale Horse), with Emmy-nominated narration by Juliet Stevenson. 6 x 45min Episodes COMIC TAKE ON MURDER AND MAYHEM SUNDAY EXPRESS (UK)
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