Build a world of magical mini friends from across Equestria! My Little Pony Mini World Magic sets consist of tiny scenes and adorable characters inspired by the My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale series. This Compact Creation set comes with 2 adorable figures that are 2.5cm (1 inch) tall: Princess Pipp Petals and Queen Haven! Comes with over 40 pieces for customizing a scene in Zephyr Heights. Build the world with towers and clouds, set up the royal elevator, and hang cloth stars. Plug accessories and scene-building pieces into the playset to create a mini world, then use the included sticker sheet to customize the scene. Fill the cloud container with cold water and place the treats inside for a colour-change reveal. Imagine finding snacks in the clouds with Pipp and Queen Haven! Everything comes inside the carrying case for on-the-go fun.
Includes case, 2 figures and 40 accessories.
Estimated Delivery Time:
Metro Areas: 2-5 business days
Rural Areas: 5-10 business days
We ship throughout Australia
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All products from Avalan Kids carry a 12-month warranty
Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 3-9