Master Pro Ultimate Pizza Oven With Window - Black

Master Pro Ultimate Pizza Oven With Window - Black

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MasterPro is a quality kitchenware brand that equips the home chef with tools to cook like an expert.
Our products
are designed for superior functionality, durability and style.
The Ultimate Pizza Oven With Window is a powerful and versatile kitchen tool that lets cook perfectly crisp pizzas in just five minutes.
It features dual cooking elements that heat up to 400°C.
The bottom element heats the ceramic baking stone to achieve an evenly cooked base, while the top element cooks through toppings to perfection.

The viewing window allows you to look inside and see when your pizza is cooked.
Enhance your cooking experience with the Ultimate Pizza Oven With Window from MasterPro.
GTIN: 9345869299112

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Reference ID: 12546921