KitchenAid Gourmet Carving Knife 20cm With Sheath

KitchenAid Gourmet Carving Knife 20cm With Sheath

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20cm Carving Knife With Blade Cover

A KitchenAid carving knife is designed to cut through roasts, meats and poultry with ease to help you present the perfect dish. KitchenAid forged knives are expertly crafted using semi-polished, high-carbon Japanese steel, hardened and tempered to provide a long lasting edge for a professional. Includes protective blade cover for storage.

Keep out of reach of children
Hand wash only
Dry immediantly
Wash each item seperatley, not with other cutlery or utensils
GTIN: 5057982095116

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Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 2 - 10 business days

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Reference ID: 9780771