FELIX As Good as it Looks™ Ocean Menus are delicious meals specially prepared with tender fishy pieces in a succulent jelly which look and smell so meaty, it looks like food you might have cooked yourself. That’s not all! These delicious meals are a source of essential Omega 6 fatty acid and contain the right combination of balanced minerals and Vitamins D & E. It’s full of healthy goodness to satisfy 100% of your cat’s daily needs when fed according to the feeding guidelines on pack. Your little rascal will find FELIX irresistible every mealtime!
We take great pride in the local nature of Tasteful Delights and our relationship with the Australian postal service. As a rule, domestic deliveries should arrive within 1 – 4 working days from the time of dispatch while international orders can take up to eight business days on average.
We take customer satisfaction very seriously and seek to maintain the highest standard when it comes to your overall experience on Tasteful Delights. We continually strive to ensure that every order will arrive on time and in the required condition to match the expectations of every customer.
However, if for some reason, you are not entirely satisfied, please contact to organize the return of your order. After all, we do accept returns of unopened products and seek to replace damaged or defective products where necessary.
Note about non-delivery or lost items
While the Australia Post service is very reliable, on rare occasions, items can be delayed within the postal system. In the event of a non-delivery, we are committed to investigating this matter with Australia Post on your behalf.
Due to the wide range of stock and multiple warehouses from which we operate, human error is not impossible, and for this reason, we would like to thank you in advance for your custom, patience, and understanding regarding any of the above instances.
Please remember, we are a family run business from Australia who takes great pride in the relationship between Tasteful Delights and our loyal customers. If you are not entirely satisfied, just let us know and provide us with the opportunity to rectify or alleviate your concerns.
Estimated Delivery Time Frame: Up to 7 days