WoodWick Electric Wax Warmer - White

WoodWick Electric Wax Warmer - White

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Inspired by customer demand, our new-and-improved Wax Melter is the perfect device to pair with cult-favourite WoodWick Wax Melts. With long-lasting fragrance release, our Wax Melters ensure the ultimate sense of ambience for up to 8 hours and double as the ideal gift for any occasion. Made from quality ceramic, simply place a wax melt into the melting tray on top of the vessel and your Wax Melter will work to slowly liquefy the melt over time, evenly dispersing amazing fragrance into the space.


Made from luxe matte white ceramic
Removable bowl for easy cleaning
Can be used for any wax melt or oils
GTIN: 9332519133612

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Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 2 - 10 business days

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Reference ID: 9089349