Welcome to the solution for your concrete repair and rehabilitation.
Crystal growth systems are proven on concrete mega structures world wide and now available as a “do it yourself” kit.
Crystalfix helps waterproof your tanks in compliance with AS 3735 Concrete Structures for retaining liquids.
Crystalfix is easy to use and offers superior and ongoing results as it continues to repair, seal, densify, and protect your structure. It also,physically and chemically protects your steel reinforcing to ensure maximum life span of tanks, troughs, pits and general concrete structures.
Remember, concrete outlasts all other commonly available large water retaining structures and is fire resistant. The best tip is, “do it now, before the reinforcement rusts any further.” This is easy!
Can you tip this product into the water?
No! Never tip this product or anything else into the water in the hope that it will fix a leak. There is no known product that will provide concrete water tank repairs by this method, despite what some people may “reckon” or think they have heard on the bush telegraph. Please don’t even give it a go anyway as it will be a backward step leading to contaminated water, blocked plumbing and a big clean up job.
Does the tank need to be full?
No. You will find it easier to do a more thorough job when the tank is empty. An empty tank will enable you to inspect and treat the total structure. The product will however, remain dormant until stimulated by water. This of course occurs when the tank fills.
Can Crystal Fix be used from the outside whilst the tank is full?
Yes and No!
Yes, you can treat some wall cracks from the outside even while a tank is full and leaking, however, to access cracks in the floor of most structures, you will eventually need to empty to gain access to the problem area inside.
I am uncertain about the integrity of my structure. What should I do?
Expect good results with a simple application on most jobs. Other jobs may need some structural help. It is very easy and cost effective to restore structural integrity. All required information and tips is in our controlling movement section.
The first thing to do is try this method. Lesser results after a 12-month period may indicate that a little more structural work is required. Remember: There is not a product known to exist that will defy the laws of physics.
Are there any dangerous fumes given off during application?
Does the area to be treated need to be dry?
No. The area to be treated “must” be wet prior to application.
Does the concrete need to be clean?
Yes. Crystalfix must be applied directly to clean concrete. Crystalfix migrates into and has a chemical reaction with the concrete thus; the better it is in contact with the concrete – the better the reaction will be.
Does the concrete need to be gouged out?
No. Crystalfix is drawn into the concrete by “capillary” action and it actually migrates through the concrete (via millions of tiny voids). Gouging out would remove some of the material that could generate crystal growth.
How does Crystalfix protect the reinforcement?
Physically – By protecting the steel from the elements (water, minerals and air)
Chemically – By reinstating alkalinity into the concrete.
How long will it last?
Crystalfix becomes part of the concrete. Its causes dendretic crystalline growth of your existing concrete. It will continue to grow until it has exhausted all the cement supply, typically, for the full life of the structure.
What are the limitations of the product?
Crystalfix will generally repair a concrete structure for the retention of liquid to Australian Standard AS3735, provided that;
The structure has basic structural integrity.
It is made from commercial grade concrete (containing Portland Cement)
It is used according to directions
Is it guaranteed?
Yes. As with all products sold in Australia, it is law (Trade Practices Act 1974), that products be accurately represented and sold as “fit for the intended purpose”. Whilst we can quantify this product, obviously, we cannot quantify your structure or application practices. Accordingly, we are unable to assume any responsibility for the condition of any structure you may put forth. We do, however, offer excellent pathways towards rejuvenating your structures.
Can Crystalfix block up my plumbing, or grow into the water?
No. Crystalfix relies on the chemicals “within” the concrete to generate crystal, therefore, it can only function within the concrete. It cannot leach into water or plumbing
Is it safe for drinking water?
Yes, it is less toxic than the concrete your tank is made from. It is approved by water authorities in most countries.
Does It Only Work on Concrete?
Yes, Crystalfix utilises the existing concrete as part of its chemistry.
How Do I Apply Crystal Fix?
Crystal Fix comes in a powder form. The material is mixed into a paintable slurry, and then applied with a brush to the cracks. For porous areas, it can be broadcast as a dry shake over wetted or wet (fresh) concrete.
How Does It Work?
Rather than trying to cover the crack or hole, Crystal fix actually repairs the concrete by chemical reaction with the concrete, which in turn, generates the growth of a non-soluble crystalline formation, which becomes part of the structure itself.
Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 2-5