Camping and enjoying the great outdoors would not be so great if your tent is not holding up the way it should. Such as if it is just too hot, too wet and too cold. Or the creepy crawlies and flying insects are in visitation mode. That is why you need our ever-reliable free-standing Swag.
400gsm water-repellent Ripstop canvas cover, 500gsm PVC flooring and high edges all round. Swagspeak for the ultimate tear-resistant waterproofing. Fully enclosed for privacy with zipped openings for fresh air anytime. Mesh panels to keep insects out. High-density foam mattress for better sleep on any surface. Thick aluminium telescopic poles to hold the entire set up.
And as a bonus, you get pegs and guy ropes, carry bag and all the extras that make your camping experience unforgettable. For all the right reasons of course.
Package Inclusion
Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 2-12 business days