Grand Designs Kitchen 2 in 1 Garlic Crusher - Grate & Crush

Grand Designs Kitchen 2 in 1 Garlic Crusher - Grate & Crush

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This Grate and Crush – 2-in-1 Garlic Crusher is both stylish and practical.
Made from plastic and stainless steel in a charming colour palette, it’s a statement piece for your kitchen.
This cleverly designed tool has a stainless steel blade, suitable for crushing garlic and ginger.
When reversed, it’s perfect for finely grating hard cheeses, nutmeg and chocolate.
It allows you to prepare garlic while leaving your hands odour free.
The dual functionality means you can crush garlic by rocking it back and forth over the cloves, or you can turn it over to grate hard cheeses. Discover culinary skills you never knew you had.

-Dishwasher safe.
-Elevate your cooking with this Grate and Crush – 2-in-1 Garlic Crusher from Grand Designs.
GTIN: 9323307092624

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Reference ID: 12308183