In celebration of 30 years of Disney's animated film The Little Mermaid, this Ariel doll comes with 2 of her sisters, in all their mermaid glory! Kids who are fans of The Little Mermaid or simply enjoy playing out mermaid stories will love this set of fashion dolls. The beautiful Ariel, Aquata, and Arista fashion dolls are inspired by their characters in the movie. Ariel has long red hair and a moulded bodice. Her blonde-haired sister has a moulded coral bodice and tail, and her brunette sister has a blue moulded bodice and tail. Imagine the mermaid dolls exploring in their sparkly outfits and hair accessories. Place the tiara on the Ariel doll's head to complete a style fit for Princess of the sea. A great gift for kids 3 years old and up, this set of 3 mermaid dolls is made for pretending Ariel and her sisters are adventuring together!
Includes 3 dolls, 3 outfits, 2 headbands and tiara.
Estimated Delivery Time:
Metro Areas: 2-5 business days
Rural Areas: 5-10 business days
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All products from Avalan Kids carry a 12-month warranty
Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 3-9