Digital multimeters have almost completely taken over, but there are those who prefer to use the old analogue meter - it's still the best way to test a capacitor. This well-made meter has audible continuity and a transistor test, in addition to the normal set of functions. Holster included.
• Transistor test
• Holster included
• Audible continuity
Display | Analogue |
Security class | Cat II 1000V |
Basic DCV accuracy | 3% |
DC voltage | 100mV, 500mV, 2.5V, 10V, 50V, 250V, 1000V (+-3%) |
AC voltage | 10V, 50V, 250V, 1000V (+-4%) |
DC current | 50µA, 2.5mA, 25mA, 250mA (+-3%) |
AC current | - |
Resistance | 2k, 20k, 200k, 2M, 20M (+-3%) |
Capacitance | - |
Frequency | - |
Inductance | - |
Temperature | - |
Ave/RMS | AVE |
Input impedance | 10M |
Special features | hFE, dB, continuity buzzer |
Dimensions | 150(L) x 100(W) x 35(D)mm |
Shop with confidence, this item comes with 1 Year WARRANTY
12 month warranty
Warranty Policy
Please refer to the individual product listing for specific warranty terms and period. Customers need to return the products back to us for a repair or replacement.
Returns Policy
30-Day Free Returns / Change of mind. Returns postage are payable by the customers.
Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 5-7 business days
Above average quality, great features and fairly robust
Jan 09, 2020