We only ship to the address in Australia,we don't ship to other countries at present. Shipping Rate:
Free Shipping to following areas in Vic
Greater Melbourne
Melbourne Fringe
Inner Victoria
For other areas,using Shipping Calculator for shipping cost on product and cart page.The shipping rate depends on product weight and destination.
Delivery Methods:
We use the service of Australia Post,DFE,Fast Way and local couriers for deliveries.
We cannot deliver to Post office, PO Boxes or Parcel Lockers, so please Double-Check with your local Post Office or provide a residential or business address to prevent delivery delays.
Typical Transit Time:
Metro Area:
・VIC, NSW, ACT, SA: 1- 3 business days
・QLD, TAS, WA: 3-7 business days
Usually takes 3 - 8 business days. Remote areas will require longer delivery time.
•Longer transit time may apply during seasonal sales period.
Warehouse working hours: 9 am-6 pm,Mon-Sun.
Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 3-8 business days