warm color furniture and green wall

Decorating Your House Eclectic Style

Organising and decorating your home is super fun when you have a clear idea in your mind. But things can get a little complicated if you can’t make a decision. Whether you have a lot of ideas for decorating your home or none, an eclectic design style might be perfect for you. Combining elements of different interior designs is one of the main things that makes this style so alluring.

To understand more about the eclectic style and what elements you need to recreate this style at home, keep reading.

What is Eclectic Style Interior Design?

The eclectic style is all about personality. It is about how you express yourself and your personal style; this is what makes this style unique. Unpredictable decoration and furniture choices are what make this style famous. It doesn’t adhere to any particular interior design rules, taking elements from different design styles and combining them in the most beautiful and well, eclectic way. To put it in simple words, it is organised chaos.

Common Features of Eclectic Design

Although the eclectic style’s main feature is that there are no rules, you need to keep in mind certain common elements of this style.


Combining different elements is a given when it comes to the eclectic style. It is even more common to mix vintage furniture with some modern pieces. It can also be vintage decoration elements paired with modern furniture. There is something very beautiful about putting together pieces from different time periods.


Do you like to travel and collect souvenirs? Well, there is no better way to show off your souvenirs from your travels than decorating your home with them. Whether it is decoration elements or furniture pieces, you can use your travel finds in different parts of your home. You can even create a wall full of photos from your travels or fix a large map of the world placing colourful stickers or stamps on the places you have visited.


Putting different patterns together is a central element of eclectic style. Mix and match different patterns to find a cohesive style that looks perfect in your home.


Weird shapes and patterns are a huge part of this style. If it looks unique, it belongs in your home. If you like a coffee table that looks like a misshaped piece of wood, it would fit perfectly in an eclectic set-up. Vases, bowls and lamps can also be found in unusual shapes and sizes to add to the look.


The bohemian and eclectic styles may seem very similar, but bohemian follows a “more is more” philosophy, unlike the eclectic style which is a little crisper and organised. The best way to differentiate between these styles is through the use of negative space or lack thereof. The eclectic design uses a lot of flashy elements whether it is the furniture or decor, so it requires some empty areas here and there to avoid the area from looking overwhelming.


A very important thing to remember when decorating your home in the eclectic style is that you have to do up your entire house the same way. This style is very unique and there is no point in trying to go for a different design style for a different room. You have to continue this style for every room in the house including the bathrooms.

Create a Focal Point

While eclectic style includes a lot of different eye-catching elements, it is always better to create a focal point here and there. It doesn’t necessarily have to be in your living or dining room, you can create a focal point in your entryway as well. There are a few different ways of doing this.


Plants are a great way to capture one’s attention especially if there are a lot of them placed in a particular area. The concentration of so many plants together will make the area stand out and if you place a piece of furniture with them, it will shine through. Imagine surrounding the sideboard in your dining room with a lot of plants. Get some fun planters and vases to make things a little more interesting.


Do you like collecting records of your favourite artist? Then put them all on display for everyone to see. Create a wall with either all your record covers. It adds a retro feel to your home and definitely grabs your attention. Moreover, instead of keeping a collection you are proud of inside closed cabinets, you can put them on display and create an artistic wall. All you need are some wall shelves to place your records.


There is no one stopping you from letting your love for art flow onto the walls of your home. Creating a focal point with art is easy. Look for wall art of varying colours and textures. Put them all together on a wall and voila! You’ve got an art wall at home. This can be done in the living area, dining room, entryway or even on the wall along the stairs.


Rooms divided by walls are so mainstream. Instead, go for a display shelf that is as big as a wall and acts as the perfect room divider while allowing you to display some decorative pieces as well. Eclectic decor can include some really unique display pieces that can be placed on these shelves. The focal point here may not be the centre of the room, but it serves the purpose of grabbing your attention and preparing you for what the whole house is going to look like.

Define with Colours

Patterns, textures and colours play a huge role in this design style. The eclectic style doesn’t shy away from the use of bold colours. We recommend going for contrasting colours with your furniture or rugs. You need bold hues and bright colours to adorn the room. Whether it is a couch, chair or your bed linens, mixing up different colours is important.

A Little Bit of This a Little Bit of That

From the biggest furniture pieces to the smallest items in your kitchen, you can include eclectic pieces in your home easily. When we refer to kitchen items, you can find plates, bowls and cup sets in interesting colours and designs. Additionally, things like jugs, tumblers, coasters, napkins, teapots and more can be found in eclectic designs. Thankfully, you can find them all in one place on MyDeal.

Since the eclectic style is all about the unexpected try to incorporate 4-5 eclectic elements in every room. If you can’t find furniture pieces to go with this style, then look for uncommon lighting options or try something like adding wallpaper to your ceiling. Even if you find your decorating ideas weird, try them out, do up the entire room and then see if it works or not.

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